A lambic is a traditional Belgian wheat style that is warehoused in open vats to allow wild yeast to naturally ferment into a dry fruity beer with a sour flavor. They are often blended with fruit juices. Apple, cherry, peach and raspberry are the most popular. A Geueze is a style of lambic that blends older beer with newer to soften the sourness, but does not usually have fruit added.
- Barbe - Ruby
- Boon - Oude Geuze
- Boon - Mariage Parfait
- Boon - Kriek
- Bruery - Rueuze
- Crooked stave - Progenitor
- Grimm - Telekinesis
- Lindemans - Cassis
- Lindemans - Framboise
- Lindemans - Peche
- Lindemans - Pomme