Kegs: Craft Beer, Imports, Domestics - fresh on Long Island

A variety of styles including seasonals from breweries near and far, available in 1/2 and 1/6 (Slim) kegs so you can enjoy the best in fresh draft beer. We have a nice selection in stock, but it’s always best to pre-order.

Enjoy fresh delicious craft beer or cider on draft in a handy slim keg.

We have taps and tubs to rent with a cash deposit. Kegerator customers with deposits on file are in and out in 5 minutes.

Brand1/2 Keg1/4 Keg1/6 Slim
21st Amendment Brew Free or Die129
Abita Purple Haze236136
Abita Root Beer Soda139
Allagash White258126
Angry Orchard Crisp Apple259117
Ballast Point Sculpin355140
Barrier Money IPA296165
Bells Two Hearted265159
blue moon Belgian White225122
Blue Point Hoptical Illusion253110
Blue Point Toasted Lager250105
Boulevard Tank 7349
Bronx Brewing Bronx Pale Ale235105
Bronx Brewing World Gone Hazy286133
Brooklyn Brooklyn245112
Brooklyn Brooklyn Lager 12245.00112.00
Brouczech Krombacher228147
Budweiser Bud Light12877
Budweiser Budweiser13655
Captain Lawrence Citra Dreams240139
Chouffe Chouffe169
Cigar City Jai Alai125
Coors Light13083
Corona Premier220130
Delerium Tremens277
Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA257122
Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA349157
Dos Equis Dos Equis Lager175
Du Claw Sweet Baby Jesus119
Elysian Space Dust143
Fiddlehead IPA 12 pk229165
Firestone Walker Union Jack255152
Flying Dog Raging Bitch299143
Fosters Fosters199
Founders All Day IPA229145
Founders Centennial IPA229145
Founders Dirty Bastard145
Goose Island IPA228109
Great South Bay Nauti Girl125
Great South Bay Blonde Ambition245103
Great South Bay Blood Orange Pale Ale245103
Great South Bay Massive IPA245111
Greenport Harbor Black Duck Porter230106
Greenport Harbor Harbor Ale230106
Greenport Harbor Otherside IPA253111
Guinness Guinness250129
Harp Lager 8pk179
Harpoon IPA19587
Harpoon Harpoon210105
Heineken Heineken 7oz225
Hofbrau Original265
Ithaca Flower Power IPA245132
Kentucky Barrel Aged Bourbon Barrel Ale345158
Kona Big Wave Golden Ale239102
Kona Longboard239102
Labatt Blue 12pk163
Lagunitas IPA 12 Pack236148
landshark Landshark175
lawsons Sip Of Sunshine165.00
Leffe Blonde175
lexington Kentucky BA Ale155
Long Trail Long Trail19999
Magic Hat Number 9220100
Magners Magners229
McKenzies McKenzies Cider19999
Michelob Ultra15062
Miller High Life99.00
Miller Lite11975
Miller Lite 15pk 16 oz120.0075.00
Modelo Especial 12pack239139
Modelo Negra216122
Modelo 12 Packs135.00
Montauk Brewing Juicy143.00
Moretti Moretti140
Murphys Murphy’s 4pk140
Narragansett Lager 12 pk78.00
New Belgium Voodoo Ranger120
New Belgium Fat Tire232115
Ommegang Rare Vos280129
Oyster Bay Brewing Oyster Bay Brewing115
Pabst Blue Ribbon PBR117
Paulaner Hefe Weizen229
Peroni Peroni249129
Pilsner Urquell Pilsner Urquell215
Prairie Artisan Ales Bomb299
Radiant Pig Save The Robots143
River Horse Triple Horse240122
Rogue Dead Guy Ale315
Rolling Rock Rolling Rock120
Sam Adams Samuel Adams259117
Sapporo Sapporo 12 pack180105
Saranac Saranac19999
Schofferhofer Grapefruit122
Shiner Bock210
Shipyard Pumpkin Head141
Shock Top Shock Top 15pk18573
Sierra Nevada Hazy Little Thing116
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale 12pk220109
Singlecut Half Stack129
Sixpoint Sweet Action104
Sixpoint Bengali110
Sixpoint Resin293138
Sloop Juice Bomb136
Smithwicks Smithwicks185
Smuttynose Finest Kind IPA21093
Southern Tier 2xIPA293138
Spaten Premium245162
Spider Bite First Bite20999
Stella Artois Stella Artois248113
Stone IPA249115
SweetWater 420 Pale Ale107
Sweetwater SweetWater107
Troegs Perpetual IPA265118
Twin Forks Chromatic Ale112
Two Roads Road to Ruin235104
Victory Golden Monkey293138
Victory Prima Pils19996
weihenstephaner Hefe Weissbier249
Woodchuck Cider189
yuengling Lager13090